PDB File Downloading Sites 1. RCSB.org (Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics) 2. Molecules to Go (NIH) 3. Entrez Structure (NCBI) PDB Structure Viewers: VMD, PyMOL, & DeepView VMD (at UIUC) VMD (ver. 1.9.2) : VMD192.msi / VMD192.zip VMD (ver. 1.8.5) : VMD185.exe / VMD185.zip VMD Manual : VMD_Manual.pdf VMD Tutorial : VMD_Tutorial.pdf PyMOL PyMOL (ver. 0.99) : PyMOL.zip PyMOL Manual 1: PyMOL User Guide PyMOL Manual 2: PyMOL Reference Guide DeepView (SPDBV: Swiss PDB Viewer) DeepView (ver. 4.1) : SPDBV_4.10_PC.zip DeepView (ver. 3.7) : DeepView_3.7.exe DeepView Manual : DeepView_Manual.pdf Practice PDB structure Visualization with VMD or ... Porin proetein (1opf) AHPC proetein (1n8j) MD Trajectory Analysis with VMD alanin.pdb alanin.dcd (MD Trajectory file)