SSH Links:
SSH/SCP Program Download:
How to use ssh/scp:
- 1. Login to UNIX/LINUX server from Window PC using ssh(i.e. putty.exe):
- Double click putty.exe.
- Type the server name (i.e. in the hostname box.
- Type your ID in the "login:". (ex.) bio01 )
- Type the password I gave you ath the "password:".
- 2. Login to other UNIX/LINUX server from UNIX/LINUX server :
- You don't need putty.exe because most UNIX systems have ssh command.
- The command format is:
$ ssh -l (your ID) (other server name) [enter]
(ex.) $ ssh -l bio01 [enter]
- Check the manual if you need more information:
$ man ssh [enter]