Keun Woo Lee, Ph.D. Professor
Department of Biochemistry Gyeonsang National Univeristy (GNU), Jinju, 660-701 KOREA
Phone : +82-55-772-1360
Fax :+82-55-772-1359
eMail : kwlee@gnu.ac.kr
Computational Biology/Molecular Modeling: Protein-Ligand/Protein-Protein interaction study using computer simulations such as molecular dynamics/dockings simulations
Computer-Aided Molecular(Drug) Design: 2D/3D QSAR, Ligand/Receptor Based Drug Design
Bioinformatics: Structure/Sequence/Microarray Analyses
B.S. Seoul National University, Dept. of Chemistry, Seoul Korea
M.S. Seoul National University, Dept. of Chemistry, Seoul Korea (Physical Chemistry, Mentor: Prof. Ho-jing Kim)
Ph.D. Seoul National University, Dept. of Chemistry, Seoul Korea (Thioretical/computational Chemistry, Mentor: Prof. Sang Youb Lee)
Univ. of California at Berkeley, Dept. of Chemistry (Postdoc)
Univ. of Houston, Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry (Postdoc/Research Associate)
Univ. of Houston, Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry (Research Assistant Professor)
VisiGen Biotechnologies, Inc. (Sinior Research Scientist)
2004.09-present Gyeongsang National Univeristy, Dept. of Biochemistry (Professor)
2010 Gyeongsang National Univeristy, Dean of College of Pharmacy
2010 Gyeongsang National Univeristy, Dean of Graduate School of Food and Drug
Executive committee of KSBSB (Korean Society for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, http://www.ksbsb.or.kr)
Organization Committee of NanoBio-Seoul 2008 International Conference (http://www.nanobio-seoul2008.org)
Organization Committee of Bioinfo2009 (http://www.ksbsb.or.kr)
Chair of Organization Committee for APBC2011 (Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, http://sysbio.kribb.re.kr/APBC2011)
Organization Committee for GIW2011 (Genome Informtics Workshop, http://www.kobic.re.kr/giw2011)
Editor and Managing Editor of Interdisciplinary Bio Central (IBC) (http://www.ibc7.org)
Members of:
ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology, http://www.iscb.org)
ACS (American Chemical Society, http://www.acs.org)
KSBSB (Korean Society for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, http://www.ksbsb.or.kr)
KCS (Korean Chemical Society, http://www.kcsnet.or.kr)
KOGO (KOrean Genome Organization, http://www.kogo.or.kr)
KBS (Korean Biophysical Society, http://www.biophysics.or.kr)
Academic Achievements
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